
Snow Leopard 10.6.5のFinder上において、最近、クイックルック(QuickLook)ができなくなり、原因を探っていたところ、SugarSyncを止めて再起動したところ、解決しました。どうもSugarSyncの最新アップデートが原因のようです。


対処方法は以下の通り。ただし、SygarSyncのFinder extensionが使えなくなります。

In Finder, go to the Applications folder, Right click (or Ctrl click) on SugarSync Manager application
Select Show Package Contents
In the new Finder window that opens, go to Contents/Plugins and delete SugarSyncCMPlugin.cocoa.plugin.
After deleting these files, just restart Finder (or log out and log back in to your computer)
Note: by deleting the plug-in you are disabling Finder extensions completely. You will lose overlay icons and context menus untill we fix the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and will get an update out as soon as possible.